
On Thursday 25Nov2021, America celebrated Thanksgiving. Some out there want the holiday removed because of what happened with the American Indians. Here is what I have to say to all of those people, get over it already. What happened to the American Indians or American Natives or whatever they want to be called by people […]

Abortion vs Suicide

I just want to make something clear up front. As a Christian, I do not agree with either abortion or suicide and think that both should not be allowed. This post is to show the hypocrisy in the thought process of our law makers. The argument for abortion is that a woman has a right […]

Being Deceived

I believe that there is a leader who’s whole purpose is to lead the people away from God to their side. Most people call this leader the Devil, Satan, The Father of Lies, The Great Deceiver, etc. However, there are many people out there that do not even believe that God exists. If I go […]

Scared to Death

We are supposed to follow what our leaders tell us, unless it goes against God. Romans 13 English Standard Version Submission to the Authorities 13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities […]


I am sure I have posted something like this before, but if not, then great. God gives each of us gifts. To some it is the gift of Tongues Understanding Tongues Discernment Leadership Teaching Wisdom Knowledge Healing Mercy Evangelism Music Writing Exceptional Memories Strength Mechanical Aptitude Serving Faith Prophecy Compassion And the list can go […]


Everywhere you look, there is some kind of inequality. Racial inequality Educational inequality Economic inequality The reality is with so many laws in place and all the sue happy people, there is no inequality. However, the media and the government want there to be because it justifies their existence. We claim that there is economic […]


Churches today are walking a very thin line. I say this not because I hate the churches, but because they are supposed to follow what God has said. There are many things that the churches have decided is okay even though God has said they are wrong. Below are just a few things that God […]


I am sure it is no surprise to you, but hatred is running rampant in this country. We need to wake up and look at what the Bible has told us about the end times. Matthew 24 English Standard Version Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple 24 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when […]


It seems live everything today is racist. What do I mean? Lets take a look at what is being called racist today: Math Being born white Not liking a person English Science Not agreeing with someones culture Not liking something from another culture Disease and Viruses Here is the issue, if everything is racist, then […]


Our society wants the definitions of words to change based on how they are being used today. There is a real problem with that. Instead we should be teaching everyone how to use the words that have already been defined correctly. What is the problem you may be asking? Lets take a look at below […]